In 2019, we purchased a house with five acres of land in Granville, Ohio, with the hope of starting a small hobby farm to raise our own animals for food. When the pandemic hit in 2020, we used our time at home to begin cultivating our farm. Soon after, we established Granvillegoats/Kilkea Farm. We started out with chickens and by June we had purchased two Dwarf Nigerian female goats. A month later we acquired our livestock guardian dog, a Maremma Sheepdog named Jewel. Our two Dwarf Nigerian bucks came to us in May 2021, and by the end of the year we purchased our male Maremma, Jasper. In just two short years, we have begun raising goats, chickens, a variety of ducks, turkeys, bobwhite quail*, and ring-neck pheasant*. And just recently, Jewel gave birth to four beautiful puppies!
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Granvillegoats/Kilkea Farm is owned by Kelly and Bethany Fitzgerald. Kelly grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota and graduated from the University of Minnesota. Before attending college, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served his country for 13 years, including a tour of duty in Iraq. By day, he is a database consultant and works on the farm at night and on weekends.

Bethany is a native Ohioan who grew up in Dayton. She is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati with a degree in Electronic Media. She works as a public relations specialist at the local hospital near their home and helps out with the farm chores at night and on weekends.
*We are a State of Ohio DNR licensed breeding facility and Gun Dog Training Site.
Our Etsy Store. Buy products made made by my wife, myself and my daughters. Support us and get some neat and darn good goods. https://www.etsy.com/shop/KilkeaFarm